About Us

Roger Bailey

Roger, has been in the motor trade for longer than he wishes to remember ( 50 years +) being a mechanic for the majority of the time. Now retired, but loves to keep a eye on what is going on and loves to helps out when required.

David Bailey

David, joined Major Motors in 1985 he is a Bosch trained technician in diagnostic and air conditioning , he spends most of his time running the busy workshop, happy to spend time and advise on any problems your car may have.

Hilary Bailey

Hilary, worked in the office since 1992 , she is more than willing to help with all enquires from booking in to advice on what service is required , Deserves a medal as she is married to David. hilary will be taking part in the gruelling ” Tough-man challenge ” 13km over muddy obstacles to raise money for a worth while cause.

Liz Chilton

Liz Chilton, Joined Major Motors at the beginning of 2012 to help running a busy reception , Liz being Davids sister has not needed much time to settle in , she will be more than happy to help with any enquiry.

Keith Bailey

Keith Bailey who retired in september 2013 was already part of Major Motors when Roger brought the business in 1978, you may wonder why keith is still on this page, but when someone has worked for Major Motors for 40 years i think they deserve to stay on this page, plus I dont think he will be able to keep away !!!!! Im sure he will miss working on cars in the cold, wet winter morning.

Mike Steadman

Mike Steadman, paint specialist joined us in 1992. He has lived locally in May Bank most of his life, well known by most for his love of classic cars, ( rust buckets !! ) Mike took part in the Great North Swim, 1 mile across Lake Winder-mere, where he raised funds of 556.00 for Blackfriars special school, ” Well Done Mike.

Adam Hall

Adam Hall, Technician / welder, joined from school in 2004 completed a welding course at night college at the age of 15. He has since completed NVQ 1,2,3, ABS and Bosch diagnostic courses, Adam has also passed his Automotive Technician Accreditation.

Rob Salt

Rob Salt, Technician / diagnostic, Rob joined us at the beginning of 2010, he comes from the main agents with VW /Seat and Toyota experience, Rob is also qualified to carry out Air conditioning service and repairs.


Joe Bratt, ( nickname Bruce ) joined us in summer of 2017, and settled in really well, now doing his apprenticeship to be a NVQ level 3 technician, we have high hopes for Bruce !!

Dave Lawton

Dave Lawton, Service technician, joined us in 2006. Having known the family for years i was pleased to get Dave.

Joe Chilton

Joe Chilton, Started from school & Trained by ourselves and PRO V to become a qualified technician to NVQ level 3, now also a MOT tester.

Brian Pawson

Joined us at the beginning of 2018 from a Toyota main dealer. MOT tester, Vehicle Technician trained in diagnostic, Air-con.

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